Are you being hijacked?

The problem is simple: your colleagues are interrupting you and blocking you from finishing off what you set yourself out to accomplish. In other words, you are being hijacked! Sometimes it’s tough to turn down people from interrupting you, especially if it’s your boss or a co-worker from a different department that urgently needs your help. One of our clients, Toby, recently shared an effective way on how to get rid of a big portion of his daily interruptions. Toby works as an AP Manager and was

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The Art of Automating Your Processes

Let’s face it – every finance department out there is in the same boat. We’re all pressed for time, trying to reduce costs and maximise output. The real art is to balance the traditional way of cutting overhead and generating revenue with new ways of automating tedious and costly Business as Usual processes. Automating these tasks will not only reduce costs, but also boost efficiency in your finance department as well as your organisation overall. Here are 3 reasons why you should focus on investing in automation:

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