Industry Highlights | Expense8 Customer Advisory Board

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It’s no secret that our customers rock! We’ve just hosted our second Customer Advisory Board (CAB) meetup, “Travel Module” and it was a huge success.

“We are very focused on customers having a voice when defining our product roadmap. As a customer-driven organisation, we believe firmly in listening to what our customers tell us is important, not prescribing that to them”, says Andrew Bond, Head of Customer Success.
The CAB is represented by customers from a range of industries, including federal and state government departments and this session in particular focused on how the end-to-end process of Corporate Travel and Expense Management can become even more integrated, freeing up time for finance teams and employees.

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“Some of the key highlights from the CAB meeting was how the Corporate Travel process is divided into four stages: pre-trip / during trip / post-trip / post-trip analysis. How these stages integrate with each other and provide a simple user experience is important for our customers”, says Ben Brockhoff, Product Manager.

The Expense8 CAB meeting is structured around open and transparent forum discussions and workshops. The key takeaway for the Expense8 Team was how the product can make the entire process even more simple and seamless.

So far, the Expense8 CAB Members includes representatives from the Department of Social Services, Life Without Barriers, Simplot, Transport for NSW, Treasury, UGL and Woolworths.

“Our CAB meeting benefits all of our customers, from a product point of view. In our experience, when the wall between our customers and us is flattened, we begin to get feedback that we otherwise wouldn’t have received.”, says Andrew Bond, Head of Customer Success.

We look forward to our third CAB meeting in August.

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